2012 Meeting Schedule Announced

Columbus Futurists president David Staley has announced the meeting schedule for the first half of 2012 for Columbus Futurists: January 26, the 10th anniversary meeting of Columbus Futurists, the topic is:  “What are you reading right now?” February 23:  “Are freeways doomed?” March 22:  “Real-life Jedi: Pushing the limits of mind-control.” April 26:  “Well-being inContinueContinue reading “2012 Meeting Schedule Announced”

The Future of Business Education?

Ross Wirth, Dean of the College of Business at Franklin University is looking for a few good ideas.  He has undertaken to figure out what the future of business eduction – specifically the MBA program – will be so that he can begin designing program that will meet the need of our business community inContinueContinue reading “The Future of Business Education?”

Book Circle – Michio Kaku – November, 2011

The Columbus futurist’s Book Circle selection for November 2011  (date still TBD) is Michio Kaku’s Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100.  Kaku is a respected popularizer of science these days, and is seen frequently around the cable networks.  I thought I would add aContinueContinue reading “Book Circle – Michio Kaku – November, 2011”

Reimagining Capitalism

August Discussion for Columbus Futurists In June we discussed financial terrorism and the impact of bad actors on the economy and influencing future policies and actions.  We concluded that the closer you got to the details of capitalism and the way it worked – the more questions emerged about what capitalism means and how it really functions. ContinueContinue reading “Reimagining Capitalism”

Futurists Forum – Fukushima disaster explanation enlightening

The Forum held on May 26 was well received by the 15-20 attendees.  Thanks to Dr. Gordon Aubrecht of OSU for a thorough explanation of the events and the implications of the disaster with the Japanese Fukushima  nuclear power plants after the earthquake and tsunami in March.  Understanding the mechanics of what happened can help everyone understandContinueContinue reading “Futurists Forum – Fukushima disaster explanation enlightening”